Pedestrian Bridges
Trail Bridges
Since 1998, Bridges to the Other Side has been designing and building Pedestrian Bridges, Walkways, and Trail Bridges. Our customers range from private residential projects to Ritz Carlton Hotels, schools, parks, golf courses and more.
Depending upon the type of bridge you wish to create, we will assist in choosing the best materials for the span as well as the decking. Aluminum, galvanized, and weathering steel are among the many materials we work with to fit to your needs. Each has specific properties that make it the appropriate material for specific installations.
We will engineer your bridge with those specifics in mind ensuring you end up with a bridge that is strong, durable and safe.

One of the clear advantages to using Bridges to the Other Side for your project stems from our ability to do everything in-house. Not only will we be there in the design phase, we'll also be the ones fabricating your bridge components in our full scale welding and fabrication facility. This means that we measure, cut, and assemble all the parts of your bridge without sending the order to a third party. This cuts down on time, errors, and expenditure. Since we keep the chain of command thru out the build process, we can also maintain our strict quality control standards.
And when you have a request or question about your bridge, you are able to speak directly to the individual who designed it and managed the build process.

Many different materials can be used for decking, depending upon the bridge's purpose and location. The importance of using the right materials will show in the safety, strength, longevity and durability of the structure.
Climate, weight restrictions, and appearance all play a part in choosing the best decking materials. From Redwood to Steel Grate to Concrete, we can make your bridge long lasting, beautiful, and safe.
We will engineer your bridge to meet the highest standards in construction and appearance using the highest quality and appropriate materials specific to your build.
For FREE Consultation, please fill in our CONTACT FORM
Call Us: 404-632-3005

Put our decades of experience to work for you on your upcoming project. Allow us to survey the site to determine the type bridge best suited for the job. Engineering the proper bridge type will not only save you money, but also save you from future issues with maintenance, repairs, safety and longevity.